Friday, May 21, 2004


dear helen,

don't you think that people should eventually live their own lives and do what they want even if their parents won't 100% approve? i always try to be respectful and follow the rules, but i am an adult and i am NOT my parents, and i am going to do my own thing! where do you think people should draw the line when it comes to doing what their parents wish? when is it good to break out and just be yourself, even if they don't like it?

Dear anonymous:

While most of us want to please our parents and will make many sacrifices to keep them happy, ultimately you are the one that has to live with your decisions. Parents often fail to see that although they want the best for their children, they push them away by disapproving of their children's life choices. Then again, it is a good idea to look into what your parents are telling you and why they are giving you advice, even when it's unwanted, because they do have more experience. But again, you are the one who lives with your decision not them and I would say, as long as you aren't intentionally hurting anyone, do what makes you happy but be responsible for the consequences when and if they occur.

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